by Bob McCarthy | Jun 1, 2016 | Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing
Are you familiar with Account-Based Marketing? It’s a hot new trend in marketing these days. It’s a marketing strategy designed primarily for B2B companies that sell into larger companies (defined any way you want). It starts with the understanding that most of your...
by Bob McCarthy | Apr 25, 2016 | Collateral, Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Online Advertising, Print Advertising, TV Advertising, Web Marketing
Today, I spent a good 10 minutes in my car following a National Grid truck on my way home from an appointment. It was a slow, stop-and-go ride through several back roads with no way to pass. With each stop, I would come face to face with the National Grid logo – and...
by Bob McCarthy | Apr 12, 2016 | Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Lead Nurturing, Online Advertising
Are you familiar with the marketing funnel? You may know it as the sales funnel or the lead funnel. Whatever the name, I think it’s very useful graphic. For me, it provides a good visual framework for individual marketing activities as they apply to your sales...
by Bob McCarthy | Mar 8, 2016 | Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation
Direct marketing is a results-oriented business. Whenever you conduct a campaign, you track and measure results – and then you look for ways to improve on those results. This ongoing adjustment and testing is what makes direct marketing so powerful. You...
by Bob McCarthy | Feb 3, 2016 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation
So you’ve been given the job of writing a new sales letter or direct mail postcard. You gather all the information, outline your message and then you write … and rewrite … and rewrite … and then you polish. Your mailer is ready. You’re happy with...
by Bob McCarthy | Jan 26, 2016 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation
The direct mail postcard is hot right now. Check your mailbox and notice how many business mailings are postcards. Ask anyone who is considering direct mail, and their first thought is almost always to use a postcard. Do a Google search and see how many postcard...