by Bob McCarthy | Oct 3, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Marketing, General, Online Advertising, Print Advertising, TV Advertising
Chevy’s TV commercial for the Cruze leaves me confused, until now … I got it. I finally got it. I’ve watched this TV commercial dozens of times over the past few weeks, and I couldn’t figure it out – until today. I finally connected the dots. If you are creating...
by Bob McCarthy | Sep 17, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation
Direct marketing is a complex business with many elements to consider. Chief among your considerations should be your list and your offer. These two elements will have the greatest impact on your response rate. Have you heard about the 40-40-20 rule? The rule says...
by Bob McCarthy | Sep 9, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation, Print Advertising
When direct mail became a mainstream marketing channel for the largest brands back in the early 80’s, many advertising agencies jumped on the bandwagon and started to offer direct marketing services. It was a natural extension for them. They were already...
by Bob McCarthy | Aug 18, 2014 | Copywriting, Direct Mail, Direct Marketing, General, Lead Generation
If you’re using direct mail postcards in your marketing, let me ask you a question: Which side is the front? No, this is not a silly question. It goes to the mindset of the person creating the postcard. And it will impact your response. Ask most people and they will...
by Bob McCarthy | Jul 22, 2014 | Articles, Bob McCarthy's Blog, Collateral, Copywriting, Direct Mail, General, Lead Nurturing
Twenty years ago, I developed a lead generation program for a technical recruiting employment firm. This medium-sized company placed highly skilled technical professionals into contract positions with technology companies. At the time, the owner of the firm was...
by Bob McCarthy | Jul 9, 2014 | General
Personalization in direct mail – it should go without saying, right? I mean if your marketing to people on a one-to-one level, don’t you expect it to be personalized? Maybe today, but that wasn’t always case. Not that long ago, mailers were routinely sent out with...