Customer Direct Mail

Direct Response Strategy, Creative & Execution

Customer Direct Mail

McCarthy & King Marketing creates and produces direct mail programs specifically targeting existing customers helping clients to to re-sell, up-sell and cross-sell their products and services.

Use your customer relationships to sell more
In direct marketing, you won’t find a better list than your own customer list.  Use this list to your advantage by helping your re-sell, up-sell and cross-sell.

Tap the power of personalization
If you’re reaching your customers, treat them that way.  Let them know how important they are by addressing them personally.

Track, measure and adjust
The real strength of direct marketing is the ability to track and measure response.  After each mailing, we’ll take the results and recommend changes for your next mailing.  Not wholesale changes, but tweaks and revisions to help you find even better results next time.

Complement your direct mail with email drips, blasts and newsletters
Direct mail is a powerful marketing tool.  But when you combine it with email, you get a great one-two punch. Add email to your mix in the form of email drips, email blasts and email newsletters.


Or call Bob McCarthy at 508-473-8643.