lead gen & lead nurture

Direct Response Strategy, Creative & Execution

Lead Generation Direct Mail
(and Lead Nurturing)

If you need leads for your sales team, we create personalized direct mail and email to generate and nurture a steady flow of qualified leads … every week or every month, every quarter – all year long.

Generate a consistent flow of qualified leads
Lead generation is more than getting high response rates.  To be most effective, we look for both lead quantity and lead quality.  And we always recommend scheduling multiple mailings to create a consistent flow of quality leads 12 months a year.

Match your lead flow to your sales capacity
The truth is that every sales team can only handle a certain number of leads.  It’s important to match your lead flow to your sales capacity.  And to do that, you will need to adjust your mailing quantity.

Track, measure and adjust
The real strength of direct marketing is the ability to track and measure response.  After each mailing, we’ll take the results and recommend changes for your next mailing.  Not wholesale changes, but tweaks and revisions to help you find even better results next time.

Nurture leads with email drips, blasts and newsletters
The lead process doesn’t end when the lead comes in. On the contrary.  You’re just getting started. With each lead generation program, we’ll recommend a lead nurturing process that includes multiple emails in the form of email drips, email blasts and email newsletters.


Or call Bob McCarthy at 508-473-8643.