Past Assignments
Technical personnel firm |
National lead generation campaign — using direct mail, card decks and direct response advertising — to recruit skilled technical professionals. A separate campaign was developed to identify potential clients of the firm’s services. |
Financial software firm |
National direct mail traffic-building program — using a single self-mailer — to schedule appointments and bring prospects to the firm’s booth at upcoming trade shows. |
Banking software firm |
National direct mail lead generation campaigns — using numerous letter packages —
to sell high-end application software to the largest banks in the United States. |
Management consulting firm |
National direct mail lead generation campaign — using a sales letter package — to promote management consulting services to senior bank executives. |
Internet design/hosting firm |
National brand-building direct mail campaign — developing a series of 4-color postcards — to build awareness and produce sales leads from an internally developed industry list. |
Plastics manufacturer |
Created a four-color corporate brochure to provide an overview of the company as well case histories from major clients. |
Technical personnel firm |
Created two fulfillment pieces – a brochure and a booklet – as incentives for the company’s direct mail lead generation campaign. |
Commercial printer |
Created a series of 12 mini-newsletters to be mailed every two months over a two-year period. |
Consulting firm |
Created a series of three corporate brochures to provide an overview of the firm’s services. |
Business book publisher |
Created an order generation self-mailer to sell a $700 human resources publication. |
Mini-computer company |
Created an on-line direct marketing “how to” manual for managers to use in producing their own direct marketing programs. |
Research firm |
Evaluated the existing direct marketing program and provided recommendations for creative, production, list research and testing. |
Ramp manufacturer |
Developed two direct mail pieces and managed monthly direct mail campaigns for 15 different franchises. |
Supply chain software company |
Developed a trade show traffic-building promotion to bring qualified prospects to the client’s trade show booth. Also wrote follow-up sales letters to different segments of the responding audience. |
Security software company |
Wrote two sales letters to promote various software products and generate sales leads. |
Regional bank |
Regional direct mail programs — more than 20 programs employing various direct mail formats — to generate sales leads, build customer traffic at branch offices, cross-sell to existing accounts and produce new accounts. |
Money management investment firm |
Developed a lead qualification/contact management plan designed campaign to pull prospects through the customer acquisition process. Then executed the plan using
a series of letters, brochures and surveys. |
Amusement park |
Regional order generation direct mail programs — creating several 4-color self-mailers — for season ticket and group sales to consumers, businesses, schools and other organizations. |
Singles dating firm |
Created a dozen creative concepts for new direct mail promotions, developed two concepts as mailers for testing. |
Life insurance firm |
Created two direct mail lead generation packages to introduce the client’s financial planning services for college education and retirement. |
Money management investment firm |
Created an 8-page color corporate booklet to be used as part of the firm’s fulfillment package. Also produced a series of smaller brochures that were mailed periodically to qualified prospects. |
Health club |
Created a four-color brochure and matching pocket folder as a handout to prospective members. |
Mutual fund firm |
Presented a two-day direct marketing seminar to provide the firm’s in-house ad agency with a better understanding of direct marketing fundamentals. |
Nutritional health company |
Developed a direct marketing plan for the introduction of several nutrition products to the consumer market. |
Non-profit educational program |
National direct mail fund-raising campaign — using a letter/brochure package — to target selected segments of an internal membership list. Scan lines and bar codes were used to facilitate tracking of response. |
Non-profit educational program |
Created 12- and 16-page four-color annual reports over a three-year period. |
Non-profit membership organization |
Created a 200-page promotion guide to assist 107 chapters with local community activities and promotions. This guide, which we have produced for the past 6 years, includes multiple print ads, radio ads, press releases, letters, logos, editorials, speeches and a wide range of promotional products. |
Non-profit museum |
Created a mini-catalog designed to sell books, art and other collectibles. |
Community Health Association |
Developed a lead generation program designed to recruit new physicians to work in community health centers in New England. |
Marketing Association |
Wrote two direct mail packages designed to promote attendance to the association’s annual conference. |
Fire Safety Association |
Created four direct mail packages designed to sell various products offered by the association. |
Business college |
Developed and mailed a prospect questionnaire, brochure and postcard targeting business prospects who might be interested in executive management programs. |