Services & Pricing
Online Advertising and Search Marketing for Lead Generation
Online Advertising can take different forms.
For many, it means Search Marketing (or Paid Search) which is placing your ad on a search engine page like Google.
This puts your advertising in front of people who are actually searching for businesses like yours. Paid Search is often called the new Yellow Pages.
But Online Advertising can also mean placing your ad on other websites that reach your target audience.
Google offers the Google Display Network which is made up of millions of websites across the web. This vast network gives you the opportunity to reach your target audience with image ads and a range of targeting options.
Online Advertising also allows you to use Remarketing (or Retargeting) which places your advertising in front of past visitors to your website. The fact is that 95% of your website visitors will leave your site without ever contacting you so staying in touch with those people through Online Advertising makes sense.
How Online Advertising is Charged
Online Advertising typically uses one of two pricing models – cost-per-impression or cost-per-click.
With cost-per-impression, you are charged by the number of times your ad appears in front of a viewer. There is no guarantee they actually saw or read your ad. The only guarantee is that it was on the page that was opened by a visitor.
With cost-per-click, you are charged by the number of times visitors clicked on your ad. This is a true performance-based metric. But remember clicks are not leads – not yet anyway. Clicks are taken to your website or a landing page where they need to fill out a form to become a lead.
Search vs. Display Advertising
As indicated above, the big difference between Search and Display Advertising is that Search reaches people who are actually searching for businesses like yours. Display is simply placing your ads in front of likely prospects.
Because Search is so desirable and because there are only so many search engine pages available, competition for the top of a search engine is high – so your cost per click can be high as well. Costs vary widely by industry. Call us to find out what a Search ad would cost you in your industry.
Display Advertising is much cheaper, often producing clicks at about 10% the cost of Search.
Text vs. Image Ads
In Search Advertising, the only option you have is a text ad. This is very limited space that includes two header lines, some space for your text, your URL and sometimes your phone number.
In Display Advertising, you have many more options. You can create an image ad in one or more of 15 different ad sizes – from large horizontal banners to full length skyscrapers to smaller square and rectangle shaped ads.
We’ve prepared a flyer with all the ad sizes – Google Advertising Template.
Understanding Conversion Rates
Conversion rates refer to the percentage of people who fill out a form after clicking through on your ad. These rates can be as high as 20-30%, but are usually closer to 5% or lower.
Clearly if someone is clicking on your ad after conducting a Search, that person has a high interest in what you’re offering. But even then, a 5% conversion rate is fairly typical. That’s one in 20 clicks.
As you might imagine, clicks that come from Display Advertising are even less likely to convert than a Search ad. So if your Search Advertising is converting at 5%, expect your Display Ads to be converting at 1% or less.
These numbers will vary by industry and the conversion incentives (lead magnets) you’re using.
We’ve prepared a Google Advertising Break-Even Chart for your use.
Our Pricing
If you work with us, we charge a management fee and a creative development fee, but we leave all Google costs to you. We set up your account under your name so you always have access to your account and can see how your advertising is performing. When someone clicks on your ad, Google will charge you directly.
Management covers our time to set up, monitor and continually adjust your campaign to improve your results. Our monthly management fee varies with the commitment you want to make.
Creative development varies greatly between Search and Display Advertising. In Search, you only have text ads, but Display uses image advertising. We can create up to 15 different image ad sizes.
Choose from a 3-month, 6-month or 12-month program
3-Month Program
Search OR Display – $650/month x 3 months = $1,950
Search AND Display – $950/month x 3 months = $2,850
Search Advertising – Text Only. 5 Ad Groups/4 Ads Each. $500
Display Advertising – Image Ads – see below
Plus Google Costs (paid directly to Google)
@ $10/day = $300/month x 3 months = $900
@ $25/day = $750/month x 3 months = $2,250
@ $50/day = $1,500/month x 3 months = $4,500
@ $100/day = $3,000/month x 3 months = $9,000
6-Month Program
Search OR Display – $575/month x 6 months = $3,450
Search AND Display – $875/month x 6 months = $5,250
Search Advertising – Text Only. 5 Ad Groups/4 Ads Each. $500
Display Advertising – Image Ads – see below
Plus Google Costs (paid directly to Google)
@ $10/day = $300/month x 6 months = $1,800
@ $25/day = $750/month x 6 months = $4,500
@ $50/day = $1,500/month x 6 months = $9,000
@ $100/day = $3,000/month x 6 months = $18,000
12-Month Program
Search OR Display – $500/month x 12 months = $6,000
Search AND Display – $800/month x 12 months = $9,600
Search Advertising – Text Only. 5 Ad Groups/4 Ads Each. $500
Display Advertising – Image Ads – see below
Plus Google Costs (paid directly to Google)
@ $10/day = $300/month x 12 months = $3,600
@ $25/day = $750/month x 12 months = $9,000
@ $50/day = $1,500/month x 12 months = $18,000
@ $100/day = $3,000/month x 12 months = $36,000
Creative Development Fees
As mentioned above, creative development fees for Search Advertising are minimal because you are limited by text-only ads. We can create as many text ads as you want, but for the purposes of this pricing page, we have established $500 to create 20 text ads (e.g, four ads for 5 ad groups in the Adwords platform). If you require additional ads, we will provide a separate estimate.
Creative development for Display Advertising has many more options – actually 15 of them. Google allows you to submit ads in up to 15 different sizes (to accommodate different size availability on various websites). These sizes range from wide banner ads to tall skyscraper ads to smaller square and rectangle ads. We’ve prepared a flyer with all the ad sizes – Google Advertising Template.
From a pricing standpoint, we charge $250 to create a single ad, then $65 per ad size. You decide how many ad sizes you want. We usually recommend starting with the smaller rectangle and square ads. There are four of them so your sizing cost would be $260. These are the most common ad sizes so you will get the most exposure.
Next Step
If Online Advertising – for Search, Display or Remarketing – interests you, let’s set up a time to discuss your marketing goals and challenges. We work with all types of budgets.
To schedule a phone meeting, contact Bob McCarthy at 508-473-8643 or