Services & Pricing
Marketing Surveys for Lead Generation and Audience Research
Surveys are all around us – phone calls from election polling companies … customer satisfaction surveys from our local restaurants … product preference surveys from market research companies.
But what about surveys for lead generation?
We develop marketing surveys to help our clients learn more about their prospects individually – and to generate new leads.
Surveys aren’t typically thought of as a lead generation tool, but in many ways, it is the ultimate lead generation tool.
While many lead generation activities can help you find prospects who have an interest in what you are selling, surveys take the sales lead to the next level.
Survey responses provide answers to critical questions that may be useful in the sales process.
For example, a survey response might reveal:
- how the vendor selection process works at the prospect’s company
- the key decision-makers
- the timetable for decision-making
- products or services the prospect is currently using
- satisfaction level for those products or services
- likelihood of making a change in product or service
- specific areas of frustration with current products or services
- specific goals and needs of the prospect
Every survey is different. We customize the survey to your particular sales needs.
Direct Mail and Email Surveys
We produce both direct mail and email surveys.
Direct mail surveys include a printed survey with a reply envelope. Prospects are encouraged to complete the survey and mail it back. In some cases, we also provide an online version of the survey.
Email surveys are actually email-delivered invitations that link to an online survey.
How We Work
This is a collaborative effort that will include you and/or your team throughout the process.
We start with your audience. We can use your internal list or we can build a list for you. If we are building your list, we will work with you to develop a customer profile – which is demographic breakdown of the businesses and job titles you want to reach. With your profile in place, we can begin the process of finding those contacts through our network of database and mailing list resources.
As for the survey, we begin with an input session from you and your team. We want to know what you’d like to know about your audience to help your sales effort. We will bring our own ideas but we need to know your priorities. With your input, we will prepare a first draft of the survey for your review and feedback. This may take several drafts to get it exactly as we want it.
With the survey questions finished, we will then develop the finishing touches of the survey – the introduction, the call to action, the incentives. Depending on whether you’re using email or direct mail, we will then prepare all associated elements – for email, we will create an email invitation; for direct mail, we will create an outer envelope, reply envelope and maybe a cover letter.
For preliminary testing purposes, we will mail or email a percentage of your list to develop some benchmark results data.
Using this data, we will then discuss a mailing strategy to deliver the desired number of survey responses over a period of time.
Our Services
List Building
- Customer Profile
- List Research
- List Segmentation
- Questions Preparation
- Survey Creation
- Email/Direct Mail Creation
- Incentive Planning
- Supervision of Email Deployment
- Supervision of Direct Mail Print/Mail
- Lead Notification
- Lead Analysis
- Program Adjustment
Our Pricing
Survey Campaign Development
Whether you are using email surveys or direct mail surveys, our development process is essentially the same.
We work with you on list building, survey creation and mail/email creative. We also supervise the production of your campaign, and in the end, we provide post-campaign analysis and adjustment.
Throughout this process, you and your team remain completely involved and will always have final approval of every aspect of the campaign.
Fees: $3,000-$5,000 (depending on scope and complexity of work)
Fee does not include the cost of data to build or acquire your list or production costs related to print/mail/postage (for direct mail) or survey hosting and email deployment (for email).
To Learn More or To Get Started …
Contact Bob McCarthy at 508-473-8643 or