Direct Response Consulting – Communications Strategy

Direct Response Consulting – Communications Strategy

communications strategyFor many organizations, communicating the marketing message is simply a matter of hiring a writer.

Yes, that will get everything down on paper, but will it focus on the right message for the right audience?  Will it make claims that can be supported with proof?

And will it position your product or company correctly? Those questions need to be answered not by the writer – but by you and your team.

Communications Strategy is a consulting service designed to help you identify the most relevant and persuasive messages for your marketing communications.

While your product or service may have multiple messages, our goal is to help you prioritize those messages and convey your message in a way that’s understandable, persuasive and believable.

We work with B2B, B2C and non-profits.


It starts with Audience Segmentation

We begin this process by looking at your audience and audience segments.  Audience segments for B2B may be by industry, company size, job title and geographic location.  B2C marketers could segment their market by age, income, gender, marital status, home value and many other factors.

Even if your product or services affects every prospect the same way, chances are that you can still present your message in ways that can be individualized.

We work with B2B, B2C and non-profits.

Message Relevance

Your communications may sound right to you, but how does it sound to your reader?  Your prospects aren’t focused on your message the way you are … unless of course, you can touch ont a familiar problem or pain that’s relevant to their day-to-day world.

Message Provability and Plausibility

You know what your product or service can do for people.  But can you prove it or at least make them comfortable that success is a reasonable expectation?

Message Enhancements

Photos, graphics, charts and other visuals can go long way to communicating your message.  While some of these items may be added for aesthetic reasons, they can also be used to enhance your message.

Message Positioning

Positioning deals a variety of issues – but mostly how your product or service should be viewed in relation to your competitors.  Will you be low-cost provider, the high-cost provider or something in between?  Will your product replace an existing product or simply enhance it?

Message Hierarchy

It’s only natural to want to communicate all of your stuff when it comes to messaging.  But the truth is only one or two of those points will stick.  When you try to use all of your messages, you dilute the ones that are most important.

Message Tone and Word Choice

The tone of your message will convey your personality.  For some, a friendly and accessible tone is preferred.  For others, a more authoritative tone fits better.

For consumer and many business audiences, word choice needs to be simple and straightforward. But for many B2B companies, some industry jargon may be needed to build credibility.


Communications Strategy is a project-based consulting service.  Fees start at $2,500 and vary with project complexity.

If you are interested in a broader array of services, we also offer a month-to-month arrangement, starting at $2,500 a month.

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