Direct Mail Consulting
The following consulting services are available to help you improve your direct mail results.
New Program Consulting
Are you planning to use direct mail for the first time? We can help you get started with our comprehensive, multi-step strategic planning process. We cover everything – from list research to offer strategy to format selection and testing strategy. Plus budgets, schedules and response rate expectations.
FEES: $4,000 one time or $2,500 per month (minimum three months)
Program Assessments
Could your direct mail program use a fresh set of eyes? We offer our Program Assessment as a way to review every element in your direct mail program and offer recommendations for improvement.
FEES: $2,500 one time
Mailing List Review
By all measures, the mailing list is the most important element in your direct mail campaign. Our process includes developing an audience profile, list research through multiple sources, determining an audience universe, segmenting the universe and developing a testing strategy.
FEES: $2,500 one time
Creative Critiques
Your direct mail creative – the look and feel of your mailer – is very personal to you. But was it created to satisfy your personal design preferences or to achieve a particular objective? Our Creative Critique will help you sort out the two – and recommend improvements.
FEES: $2,500 one time
Offer Strategy
Direct marketers have known for decades that nothing impacts your response more than your offer? So what is your offer and how can it be adjusted to improve your response? We look at your current offers and show you how they are impacting response. We’ll also walk you through our offer development process.
FEES: $2,500 one time
Direct Mail Testing
When we recommend changes to your program, we don’t want you to take our word for it. We want you to test it. With this service, we’ll make our recommendations and then we’ll put them to the test with your campaign.
FEES: $2,500 one time
Direct Mail Alternatives
If the program above doesn’t fit your needs, please consider the following alternatives:
Full-Service Direct Mail Campaigns
Direct Mail Monthly Coaching
Ready2Run Direct Mail
Please complete the form at the right – and we’ll be in touch right away.
If you have any questions, click here to schedule a call, or send an email to bob@mccarthyandking.com
Thank you.
Bob McCarthy
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