What I don’t understand about this failed email campaign

I just finished reading an article in B2B Online that provided insight on a failed email campaign by Level 3 Communications, a multi-national telecommunications company. Over a five-month period at the end of 2012, the company created and executed an email campaign to...

Sometimes I forget I’m a copywriter

Every year around this time as we approach the holiday season, I begin to assess my business direction for the past year to see what worked and how I might better invest time moving forward. Almost every year, I come to same conclusion: I spend a lot of time working...

Copywriting – Do you edit while you write?

I do.  I’m ashamed to admit it. It’s a terrible habit for any copywriter.  I’ve tried to kick the habit.  I really have. At times, I’m successful.  I go through periods when I can discipline myself to finish the copywriting before I start editing. But I am...